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Week of: May 21, 2001
May 31, 2001 - New York - A slightly different kind of reign this week for MSCCG Alumni as compared to last week's rained out game.  Alumni team 'clobbered' formidable RWP opponents as DKenna puts it after a late night victory celebration at Snapper Creek located on the Upper East Side with fellow teammates. Coach KBrowne can finally claim victory to the challenge that had been postponed several times over the past year.

'The guys were considerably 'chubbier' but good...' ' ...Alan Finkelstein is bigger than ever' said CGeneral. EViti quipped that 'our infield alone is 1,200 lbs.'

Greg Amari was unanimously named MVP. 'He was everywhere. He caught anything and everything in left field' added CGeneral. 
Also of noteworthy efforts were the combination of ALatuja and LConlin, playing shortstop and first base respectively; as well as BAiro, GEconomos, & RShin.

At one point during the game, DKenna was accused of playing for the opponents after one play resulted in a a homerun for RWP. Additional clarification is requested on this play for the record in the guestbook.

Greg Hodkinson, (who was not playing, because he never played the sport before) was allowed to go to bat once to try it out.  Well, he finally hit the ball and ran with bat in hand to first base.  As GViti described, 'the bat was safe and Greg H. was out.'

For additional commentary on the game, please click on View Entries in the guestbook below throughout the day

MSCCG Alumni Homepage
MSCCG Alumni Wins 13-8 !
Amari Named MVP
Contributing Reporter: Crystal General

Click Here to go to CBS.MarketWatch.Com
Two Thumbs Up,
Bingo! & A
Right On !
for the
June 6, 2001 - New York -Great little announcement....Trinity Annick Bosecker - born 5-25-01 at 9:42 - 6 lbs and 10 oz - 19 inches long. MBosecker says 'She's got blue eyes and black hair (and Fran's hairline, thank god!!).  Quite a surprise...originally due on 6-22-01, but she's in perfect health as is mommy.'' Congratulations ! click the photograph for a larger view. Send a message to the MBosecker.
RPersaud Leaves
Goldman Sachs

Former colleague, alumnus, and Microsoft Access Wizard, Ramona Persaud resigns from Goldman Sachs to attend Wharton School of Business this fall. Best of Luck to her and her endeavors.
Former CCG Risk Analyst and the youngest grumpy old man we all know and have grown fond of has recently resigned from Deutsche Bank and accepted a role as an Associate Director at Thomson Financial in midtown.
Loc Joins
Click on the Picture Below for More
RShin - Accepted at Fordham Law School
No, it's not a mug shot, but possibly the man who could represent you in a court of law one day.
RShin - Accepted at Fordham Law School
Congratulations Rob !